
眺島 Milky way

影片截圖 Screenshots 

花窗彩繪攝影曾能章 stained glass, photo by ZENG, Neng-Jhang

2020 / 單頻道彩色影片8分15秒、花窗彩繪(450x250cm)
展出於2020綠島人權藝術季 ,《如果,在邊緣,畫一個座標》
2020 / video (single channel, 8' 15"), stained glass (450x250cm)
At "If on the margin, draw a coordinate", 2020 Green Island Human Rights Art Festival

火燒島、大島與蘭嶼島,它們鄰近可以彼此眺望, 在有意識與無意識被禁錮中,平行乘載歷史之業。回首洋流,浪頭隨潮波, 仰望同個星空,藉由希拉女神的乳汁連結跳島,連結政治治理下的分裂時空。

Fire-licked Island, Main Island and Orchid Island are so close geographically that they are within one another’s sight. In the fell clutch of circumstance, whether self-imposed or involuntary, they share a turbulent history. Apart from looking back at the ocean current and the crest of tidal waves, they look up at the same starry sky. I plan to associate Hera’s breast milk with island-hopping, with the split space-time under political governance. ( Translations by 2020 Green Island Human Rights Art Festival)